Discover, Taste and Share

Intavoliamo is a unique service of its kind that you cannot help but use. The growth of a business nowadays is not only the result of hard work to produce a quality product, but above all a set of actions and strategies diversified over time that require as much commitment as those you employ every day in your work.
Many years ago it was enough to make products known in one's own city to start growing, and the competitor was only the neighbor who produced products similar to yours. Today, however, we hear more and more often about poor quality foreign products, or prepared with substances of dubious wholesomeness, counterfeiting which is the most unfair competition, which in defiance of every rule, grows and thrives in the chaos of the market, when you instead you must follow the stringent regulations as well as for the love for the production of excellent products and the seriousness of selling good and safe products as if you were giving them to your family.
Good production is no longer enough, you need to equip yourself with the tools that even the competition uses, and that if you do not start to use, they will lead you into the vortex of offers of downward prices with a continuous and inexorable loss of earnings to the point of putting survival at risk. of the company.
If you are tired of lowering the prices of your products.
If you are tired of looking for a service suitable for the growth of your company and you find it hard to find your way around the dozens of offers you receive without knowing if they are adequate for your needs.
If you are looking for a partner who can advise you among all the solutions available on the market to make the right choice and avoid wasting precious resources.
If you are tired of seeing low quality products in supermarkets and fail to promote the quality of your products and sell them at the right price.
From today there is Intavoliamo, the first portal that offers you many personalized services to sell your food and wine products. Intavoliamo is not a sales portal that leaves you alone to face the challenges of technology and the market, but a partner that, through an online training platform, helps you to extricate yourself from all the most modern technologies and guide you in the choice of sales services. of your products and all with a single interlocutor without many complications. With Intavoliamo you can choose to sell your products among all sales channels or even on multiple channels at the same time, in fact through our training course we will help you understand which is the most suitable sales branch to start and as you increase yours. sales and you will be able to support the increased production needed to work on more demanding branches, we will support you from the moment of choice up to the start-up phases. With Intavoliamo training and strategies at your disposal, the b2c, b2b e-commerce distribution channels, food and wine fairs, exports and promotion with web marketing will all be within your reach, all with a single partner that you will pay according to how much your sales will increase, without constraints and without risking costly investments or without being certain of having an economic return, because our gain is made up of your sales. On Intavoliamo we do not sell services, but we offer a lasting collaboration over time, which will support you in the development of your company, providing you with the most modern technological tools and the best skills of professionals from all sectors that are part of our network. Free yourself from the vortex of downward prices and become part of Intavoliamo.
Even if you produce small quantities of products, or you need to keep the fresh chain, Intavoliamo will be able to help you find the right service for your needs, and if you have little time to sell and cannot manage orders and sales, Intavoliamo can do it. for you. Join the producers who have already joined.
Our values
It is a project to raise awareness of healthy and sustainable consumption, and which revolves around the portal to bring together all those who share the idea of actively participating together in the lifestyle we want.
It is a promotion and distribution channel for all companies that want to overcome the barriers imposed by corporations. It is a project for the reactivation of the local economy that starts from the producer passing through the portal up to the people through the community which will be an integral part and flywheel of the local economy as it will gain from the promotion and distribution of products.
Let's start is also a project of freedom to choose Italian products, healthy, without pollutants, traditional, not imposed by industries, the freedom to always try something different instead of the usual few industrial products.
It is a path that everyone can undertake through the e-learning platform, and take it step by step by participating in community activities, without obligations, without unsustainable expenses, and that you can develop through lessons based on your free time and commitment. who will want to put us.
Finally, through its paid community, Intavoliamo is also a means of entry into the world of work, of redistribution of money and work, which invests in the social qualities of people, instead of in reducing costs with automation and robots, without any minimum obligation. , which allows you to diversify your income if you want to participate also as a hobby or a second job, and we do all this by rediscovering the value of social relationships, spending an evening together with friends and neighbors, sitting at the table enjoying the delicacies and inviting them to join this community, and by purchasing products for them, thus saving them the time to do the shopping and dedicate it to the family.

How the idea was born
It is a path that starting from an entrepreneurial project wants to find and meet many people who share the same interests join in this path and all together we inaugurate the basis of a community in which the founding values of our society and of the lifestyle that we all have in our culture, which has been upset by globalization, pushing the exploitation of resources or people with the idea that it is a modern necessity to levels that are no longer sustainable. Collaboration and sharing are the basis of a new way of
participate in the distribution of the products we want on our tables, and promote on the web and in everyday life, united albeit in diversity, by the need not to let certain industries decide our lifestyle, but to decide and participate directly to the return to a more humane and sustainable model from an economic, working and ecological point of view. The project does not end here, but looks very far and that today takes the first step on the web among many that will be made for the realization of the founder's vision, and which will allow it to spread everywhere through tourism.

The purchase problem
Many things happen to us every day that take something away from the quality of our lives, both as people and as members of a society. Intavoliamo aims to offer you a wide variety of choices in purchasing your favorite products, but also making you discover new ones every day, ranging between the many qualities of Italian heritage and the localities of our country that always manage to have a different taste. The discovery of new products and new tastes is the backbone of our idea.
Many things happen to us every day that take something away from the quality of our lives, both as people and as members of a society. 1. How many times has it happened to you to look for good and genuine products at the supermarket and buy tasteless products that you threw away immediately?
2. How many times have you complained about not finding the products you wanted, but the logic of large-scale distribution does not allow you to enter certain products because they do not fall within their selection criteria?
3. How many times have it happened to you to look for the products of your childhood or your holidays and not be able to find them?
4. How many times have you stopped to think about how important health is and that food products must be checked and guaranteed, after hearing in the news, of products with carcinogenic additives, pesticides that cause disease, or additives that cause allergies or dysfunctions hormonal and all the side effects of the introduction of industrialization in intensive agriculture, fishing and livestock?
5. Intavoliamo aims to offer you a wide variety of choices in the purchase of your favorite products, but also making you discover new ones every day, ranging between the many qualities of the Italian heritage and the localities of our country that always manage to have a different taste . The discovery of new products and new tastes is the backbone of our idea.
The circular economy
Let's start is first of all a circular economy project, which connects all lovers of taste through products and allows to trigger a mechanism of participation between producers, restaurateurs, sommeliers, consumers, promoters and distributors. ntavoliamo aims at the participation of the community to enhance, promote and distribute the products of our companies in such a way that the local economy is an active part in this virtuous cycle.
Let's start is first of all a circular economy project, which connects all lovers of taste through products and allows to trigger a mechanism of participation between producers, restaurateurs, sommeliers, consumers, promoters and distributors. 6. How many times have you heard of producers being throttled by large retailers, by unfair competition, by the sale of products of poor or dubious quality passed off as being of good quality or even promoted by famous brands?
7. How many times have you still heard of local economies, emptied by the effects of globalization, by the import of low-cost and dubious quality products, with economic loss of jobs, a damage to companies that increasingly succumb to to the competition of companies that sometimes also benefit from international regulations or agreements that harm not only producers, but all of us, because fewer quality producers also mean less income for the state and more taxes for all of us, fewer jobs that it means less consumption and therefore more uncertainty and again, less income for the state. There is so much talk of health, well-being and food safety that must be guaranteed, and then this economy requires products that jeopardize nature, life, health, and our serenity.
8. How many times have you heard of companies that close and people remain unemployed, or companies that move production abroad, or companies that replace people with cars, drones and thousands of people end up on the road and then adapt to underpaid jobs or even that limit creative and relational skills to the mere execution of physical jobs and which in any case will be replaced by drones or robots?
We are committed to the participation of the community to enhance, promote and distribute the products of our companies in such a way that the local economy is an active part in this virtuous cycle.
Our services
Intavoliamo services are designed to allow a small company without trade and marketing skills to orientate itself among the many services that are offered on the web, and allow it to start diversifying revenues with shared services that are adequate to the spending capacity of small businesses.
How does Intavoliamo work?
We set up a web portal, but it is above all a community of people who believe in a sustainable economy, not only from an ecological point of view for health care, but also from the point of view of enhancing the needs of those who enter the communities that will be able to freely choose the products they want and participate in the activities of disseminating the principles of which they are advocates and sharers.